Testing TCP servers with Test::TCP


Hi, I'm tokuhirom.

Test::TCP is a very useful library to testing TCP servers and/or clients.

Yesterday, I released Test::TCP 1.08! And so, the version contains new OO-ish interface support.

use Test::TCP;

my $server = Test::TCP->new(
    code => sub {
        my $port = shift;
my $client = MyClient->new( host => '', port => $server->port );
undef $server;    # kill server process on DESTROY

Also, you can run the multiple servers in one script.

use Test::TCP;

my $server = Test::TCP->new(
    code => sub {
        my $port = shift;
my $server2 = Test::TCP->new(
    code => sub {
        my $port = shift;
my $client = MyClient->new( host => '', port => $server->port );
undef $server;    # kill child process on DESTROY
